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News:Do the Chan.


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sept.1st @ 11:45 am...  MURDER BY AN ARISTOCRAT
sept.1st @ 2:30 pm....  LONE WOLFE STRIKES BACK
sept.2nd @ 6:15 am..... FALCON MOVIE MARATHON/all day
sept.17th @ ................FOOTSTEPS IN THE DARK
sept21st. @6:15am.......  GIRL MISSING
sept28th. @11:30am..... SHADOW OF A DOUBT

Bob Andersen

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Thanks for the head's up! Now to start programming my DVR...


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Superb job again by rodb to Alert us all to upcoming Mystery Movies on TCM. This Always helps us.  :)

Thanks to rodb.

Trader Jack 


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FALCON marathon going on now. I am looking to tape the 3:00 movie, which i haven't seen yet


John Cucinotta

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I have finally had time to watch most of the Falcon movies that I DVR'd a few weeks ago.  They are very enjoyable movies.  I think that some of the other detective movie series, such as The Saint and Philo Vance, are better quality in terms of plot and acting, but the Falcon films are definitely worth watching, and I recommend them.  So far, "The Falcon and the Co-eds" has probably been the best film of the batch that I recorded, and this film has a somewhat more complex plot with several interesting characters. Did anyone else watch these movies on TCM?

Chris Ellis

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I only watched part of one entry that day due to a lack of time (Falcon Strikes Back) but have watched them all many times. I also like the Falcon and the Co-Eds the best as did someone who wrote a book some years ago on 50 great B Movies. Despite some plot holes (I am not a firm believer in ESP! and there is some overacting, especially the woman who plays the co-ed with the fake Brooklyn accent) there is a good sense of humour (as when Conway gets off the bus and the undertaker asks him "can I help you?" -- as I recall he replies "uh, not just yet..."), there is some great location photography on the cliffs, to me the film is quite atmospheric with a sense of foreboding throughout, and the acting here by many is quite good. Jean Brooks as the drama teacher to me makes the film and it is too bad her career, and apparently life, fell apart (I also liked her in the Seventh Victim [also another Conway film] where she is set upon by satanists!) and Isabell Jewell also is very good as the music teacher and is another one whose career never took off (hard to believe she is the same actress who played the very affecting part of the girl who went to the gallows with Ronald Colman in A Tale of Two Cities! -- I think she was also in Seventh Victim and Gone with the Wind too!).

Anyway, Falcon and Co-Eds is one of my favourite B detective films...
