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News:Do the Chan.

The Red Dragon

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Hello, I was watching the new Red Dragon from recently released Chans and I noticed that the intro theme song is the same as the last Chans.   I was always under the impression that this theme song came into effect with Shadows Over Chinatown and not Red Dragon.  Also, my very old TV version of Red Dragon has the them song comparable to Jade Mask and Scarlet Clue.  Is it possible that there were two verisons of Red Dragon or did the makers of the restored version take liberties with the intro?  Thoughts?  Rick Watson Dallas Texas


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    Don't know the answer, but maybe it has to do with who owns the rights to the music.  I know a lot of modern movies and TV shows have different music when they come out on DVD due to rights.


Chris Ellis

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Hi: It is possible that the use of the music is due to the restoration -- that they did not have elements of what was used originally and so added in stuff. I remember when the Sherlock Holmes with Rathbone were restored they talked about how they had to use introductory elements from other films as the copies available had been chopped up so much for television use. Chris.