Charlie Chan Message Board

News:Do the Chan.


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when they came out last time; i was able to tape/record all of them. the first couple took a little bit to get used to them; but the series grew on me as i went along.

thank you for the update



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Today at 11:45 CST, TCM showed the 1934 movie Mandalay, which featured Kay Francis as the determined heroine. A menacing character who tried to control her, Nick, was ably played by our Warner Oland. His character spoke like Charlie Chan would later speak, but in this film he was definitely a "bad guy."
It was interesting to see how Oland essayed this role a few years before he played our friend Charlie Chan.   

Ed Kasprowicz

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Actually, Oland had portrayed Charlie Chan at least 4 times before he played Nick in Mandalay. Three of these movies are among the 4 that are considered "lost", but, we've seen him do his Chan thing as early as 1931, in The Black Camel. I meant to give everyone a heads up on Mandalay, but, I goofed and let it slip by. It was great to see him as Dr. Yogami in The Werewolf of London, on Svengoolie's show a few days back. ...Ed K.


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Ed, thank you for the correction about the Oland-as-Chan chronology. You've got a good memory and a sharp eye. Please continue to help us keep our facts straight.