Charlie Chan Message Board

News:Do the Chan.

Has this board died?

(Read 32218 times)


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Hi Gravelle. There are 2 DVDsets of "New Adventures of Charlie Chan" listed on ... one looks like an obvious bootleg (ie. its unprofessional cover design). I just checked with and they say there are no official DVD releases of "New Adventures of Charlie Chan" even though they list Warners Video as owning the rights. So the other DVDset must also be a bootleg.

Oddly enough, some Amazon customers say the DVD quality is "acceptable" although a few say the DVD quality is poor. Oh well, it's a case of "Buyer Beware".
Last Edit: April 27, 2015, 03:21:10 am by GaryLeeOz

John Cucinotta

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Several years ago I purchased a DVD set of the J. Carroll Naish TV Chan series quite cheaply.  The stories are short and simple, but are entertaining to watch once or twice.  The copies I had were slightly blurry at times, but were easily watchable and were worth the bargain price.  I have since passed the DVD's along to other friends, who in turn gave them to other friends, etc, so these DVD's are probably sitting on a shelf somewhere across town.  I don't remember the seller's name on the label.


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When you have had time to view these programs, your impressions of them would be much appreciated.


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I think I'll take a chance on them. I enjoy the 1950's Ronald Howard Sherlock Holmes series, so I'm expecting the quality of these to be about the same, with pretty much the same guest cast in different supporting roles in each episode, redressing the same sets constantly, etc.  :)


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Tomorrow evening starts those Mystery Movies on TCM that RodB was kind enough to tell us about on the April 20th message, below.

I'll check out the 3 Mystery movies and see how good they are.

Keep letting us know of good TCM Mysteries in the future! Without all of you, we'll miss some good Mystery movies.

Trader Jack


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Thanks for the reminder.  I  always thought the majority of the chan message board were mystery fans themselves,but is hard to track tcm schedule for the showings.


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A Big Thanks to rodb for the excellent Tip about 3 Mystery Movies on TCM last week.

"And Then There Were None" was definitely worth watching. A fine Agatha Christie story with a delightful cast. "Two in the Dark" was a Fun mystery
with notable cast members. "The Nurse's Secret" was a pleasant mystery with some well-traveled actors and a fast moving story. I also saw a few cast
members I will be on the lookout for in future movies.

I read a lot of Reviews on IMDb about these mysteries. Seems like some people expect all movies to be the best they've ever seen. These 3 movies sped along at an entertaining clip and had enjoyable mysteries in them All.

When you all see some More Mystery Movies worth watching on TCM and elsewhere, feel free to pass them on to us. Had Fun with these 3 Mysteries.

Trader Jack

Chris Ellis

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I managed to see part of Two in the Dark (1936) which starred Walter Abel. Although I had never seen the film before it seemed very familiar and as I continued watching realized the same story was remade by RKO  nine years later, directed by Anthony Mann, with Tom Conway and Anne Rutherford in the lead roles as "Two O'Clock Courage" (1945). In fact, the stolen script for a play about which the plot centers in both films is entitled "Two O'Clock Courage" which was a major clue!  Anyway I enjoyed it even though I knew the solution to  the mystery! Chris.

John Cucinotta

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Regarding the original topic of this thread (Has this Board died?), I have a question.  I've been thinking about this matter since reading the message from Dr. Berlin about closing down his site and also receiving a message from John Betancourt about the restructuring of his site.  My question concerns this - since there are several Chan/mystery movie sites on the Internet, such as this site, the John Betancourt site, the Rush Glick site, the Yahoo Chan site, etc, is it possible to electronically combine these sites so the participants will have access to all of these sites with one address, so all of the discussions and postings can be linked?  For example, can it be arranged such that logging into this one site will also bring up the other message boards and their active threads, thus perhaps expanding the number of participants, or expanding the number of topics?  I am not a computer whiz, so please forgive me if this sounds silly, but I think that one large vibrant combined site might work better than several smaller sites which each have limited activity.


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I have just had a bit of trouble trying to get to this forum, which is unusual for me. I kept turning up the old forum, which I enjoyed visiting back in the day. However, I had to persist to finally get to this new forum. As mentioned by others in previous posts, I wonder how many people attempt to find this forum, get to the old one and just give up their search.
There were some interesting discussions in the old forum, thanks to some of the very experienced Chan watchers who were on board then. I would enjoy seeing some of those same discussions/comparisons conducted here on the new forum, though some might think, "We covered that thoroughly way back then and there's no need to bring it up again."
My feeling is that if it pertains to Chan books, films, and material, it's fair game for discussion and debate here. Thoughts, anyone?   

Ed Kasprowicz

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I, too, sometimes have trouble getting here. Whenever my PC tunes itself up, the new address seems to disappear.

Of course, discussion of anything Chan related is to be encouraged. Half of the people who were party to the discussions of the early days of the board are gone, and those of us who are still here probably can't remember most of what went on in the "good old days." Alerting each other to upcoming broadcasts, interesting books, and good deals on dvds, etc., is a wonderful side benefit of our little brotherhood.

Keep those messages coming! ...Ed K


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      Has any thought been given to opening up a Facebook page?  Several groups I belong to have moved to Facebook and continue o do very well, also getting new members to join.  You can make a Facebbok page where members have to join, so ou can try to avoid most spammers now.  Just a thought, a it seems more people spend time on Facebook instead of web sites.


Bob Andersen

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I think a Facebook group would be great.

John Cucinotta

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I'm in favor of trying any new idea to get things rolling, and to get some new people interested in this site.  Even if only 25 new folks joined the Board, a lot of topics (including old topics) would come up for discussion.  Considering there are about 7 billion people in the world, finding a few new participants for this site should be an attainable goal!


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i always have to do a google search for chatter charlie chan to get to this site myself. if most people don't put chatter in front of their search, they will probaly end up at the old board.