Charlie Chan Message Board

News:Do the Chan.

Has this board died?

(Read 32217 times)


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According to the stats, it has been at least 3 weeks since anyone has posted here.  Has this board died?  Is it too hard to find?  Is it too hard post and read?  I don't know what the problem is.  Is there anyway to put a redirect link on the old board to directly send people here?  Are people still trying to post to the old board?  I've always enjoyed this board and the people on it.  It would be a shame to lose it.  Any thought from the few people who have made it here as to what the problem is and how to fix it?  I'm sure there are still Chan fans out there.


Don Mc

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I want this board to survive as well. I check it daily, but haven't had anything to post. I am curious to see if there has been any further word on the remaining Chan movies appearing on DVD.

John Cucinotta

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Last time I looked, the Charlie Chan Home Page still links to the old Message Board and not this new one. 

A message Board like this one also needs new participants to keep things going, even if it sometimes means re-hashing old material and old discussions for the benefit of the new people.  Many of our old "regulars" have dropped off the Board discussions, but they might come back to discuss an old topic along with any new participants.  I haven't seen a new person posting in a long time.  Does this site have a link on other outlets that could attract new people?  For example, I found this site about 15 years ago when I bought a Chan item on eBay, and there was a link to this Message Board with a little paragraph describing it.  I don't think this site is being promoted by anyone in that manner, which may be a reason for the lack of "new blood".

John Cucinotta

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Also, I notice very little activity on Rush Glick's Chan Family Site message board, so the lack of any interested new participants may extend beyond this site.


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I too check this site daily, hoping that there will be new posts - on just about any topic. It appears that John's suggestion about re-hashing old discussions and comparisons might serve to revive interest and participation in this forum.
We also need to be aware that we Chan fans who are serious about our interest in Chandom constitute a very small segment of the overall population, and we are rapidly aging and disappearing from the scene. We saw Chan films many years (actually decades) ago at the movie theaters and later, on television. As our numbers diminish, it seems that we are not being replaced by sufficient numbers of younger Chan enthusiasts.
I am grateful to Dr. Cream for his ongoing efforts to make this forum a success. I hope that we can participate here, engage in lively discussions and continue this fine Chan tradition.         


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 i find it hard to figure out where to post a new topic. There used to be a button for new post, but all i see now is how to e-mail the message. I am sure that i am doing something wrong, but wasn't sure.

Mr. Manderley

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I was about to post the same thought. After a good 15 plus year run, has the CCMB died? Not until, of course, Kurt officially says it's over. I know I had trouble finding the board after the recent switch. I found the old board but had a difficult time getting from there to here.

John is correct, too. Yet when I look at the number of views of CC movies on you tube there are tens of thousands. Even if we assume the movies have been posted there for a few years and people view them more than once, there must be fans out there. The sales of the Chan movies on DVD, which I understand are good, must also tell us there are fans out there.

There is only so much that can be said about the same subject, but fans of other series talk about things over again. Star Trek fans, and I am one, talk about the same episodes many times. I'm always interested to read about the same topics more than once.


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There isn't much happening in the Chan universe other than waiting for Warner Bros to release the last few Monogram Chan movies and hoping that someone discovers the lost Fox Chans ... hey, they found Richard the Third's remains recently so there's always hope

ps. someone uploaded "Curse of the Dragon Queen" (with Peter Ustinov as Chan) onto Youtube ... that's something new. Is it as bad as some people say ?

Oh, for Star Trek and Fringe fans ... R.I.P. Leonard Nimoy


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Yes, Curse of the Dragon Queen is that bad.
Retired - each morning I make a list of those things that I'm not going to do today, and then during the day I don't do them.


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John Cucinotta

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Thank you for this information.  These types of posts are very helpful to me.  I have set the DVR to record several very good mystery movies based on recommendations from people on this Board, and I need the reminders !!!


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It's nice to be back! I just located this webpage, after having been absent from the old message board for several years. I left because we were getting too off topic too often, and it was being inundated by a member who went on and on and on about his life story. He was harmless enough, but it was no longer about Charlie.


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I really thought the last of the known Chans would be out on DVD by now.  I'm not getting any younger.   :D


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I'm not either.  ;D


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I have always considered myself a "purist", in that I have only viewed the available Warner Oland/Sydney Toler Chan films. I see that the J. Carrol Naish TV series is available and am about to purchase those thru Amazon. I hope they are worthy of Charlie's' reputation.