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Annoying moments

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I'll try and post one I don't remember seeing.
We all have favorite characters, and moments with them.  But do you have a favorite character with at least one example where they're really annoying, or made to do something that is way out of character?
Mine would be Lee in OLYMPICS, where he too often tries to tell someone what Pop would say, and ends with "Or something like that".  Makes me want to paraphrase Priscilla what's-her-name: "Why don't you speak for yourself, Lee?"
Anybody else?


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In Castle In The Desert, Jimmys' delivery of the line, "Oh, boy, am I hot with a bow and arrow", always sounds so insincere and forced.  :-[


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huber's portrayal in city of darkness is quite annoying for such a good actor.  pa-pa   pa-pa


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To be fair, both are instances not of the performers shortcomings, but making the best of poor script writing. Both were "comedic" efforts, but fall flat, just like the "Am Psychic" gag with the hankerchief. :'(


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Another example of moments that annoy me are when a character (Charlie and Birmingham come to mind) breaks the fourth wall and talks directly to the audience.

Ed Kasprowicz

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The Maestro's sniveling throughout The Trap... ugh! ...Ed K.

John Cucinotta

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Steve in Va-  I remember Birmingham talking directly to the audience at the ending scene of "The Golden Eye", but are there other examples of this in Chan films?  I don't remember any others off hand, but I haven't seen most of the films in a while.


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Of course, since we're finishing the basement, all my Chans are in boxes I can't get to, but I'm sure I remember Winters talking to the camera.  Won't be able to prove it for a month or so... :-[


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I don't remember Birmingham talking to the audience, but there were, indeed, occasions when he'd talk to himself.  ;D


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As in, "Feet, don't leave me now!"

John Cucinotta

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At the very end of the "Golden Eye", Birmingham walks away from the scene towards the camera, and speaks directly to the viewer about Chan solving the case.  He then breaks into his famous giggle, and the movie ends.