Charlie Chan Message Board

News:Do the Chan.

Ed Kasprowicz

(Read 8442 times)

John Cucinotta

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Those of you who have posted and read messages on this Board for a while may remember Ed Kasprowicz, who was an early active participant here.  Ed loved to discuss Chan movies, and any other topic related to Chan or mystery movies. Over the Christmas holiday I learned that Ed had unexpectedly passed away last summer after a brief illness.  I thought I would share this sad news with the other members of this Board. 

Rest in peace, Ed.  I will miss our friendship and discussions.

Chris Ellis

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Hi John:

I just came here to say I had just discovered the sad news that Judge Ed had passed away last August. He and I communicated quite a lot in the old days and usually at Christmastime time for sure, so when I could not connect with him this year I belatedly leaned of his passing. Ed probably knew more trivia about old mystery movies than anyone on the planet and was a very intelligent and extremely witty man. I once devised what I thought was the ultimate trivia question and he answered it in about two minutes on the old site. I am extremely saddened to hear of his passing...

Chris Ellis.


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sorry to hear this news.