Charlie Chan Message Board

News:Do the Chan.

Merry Christmas to CCMB

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I know our lives have gone different directions over the years, however I remember the "Good Ole Days" when Kurt's board was the big focus for all Chan fans. I still think of each one of you at this time of year and wanted to express my heartfelt love for each one of you and families as well. Merry Christmas from one end to the other across this world.

We are at about 9 degrees no snow but chilly, putting a log on for the evening... Happy holiday my extended family

Chris Ellis

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Yes, a  great holiday to everyone who still enjoys the old mystery films...about 5 Celsius here in Ontario but no snow and rain in forecast...

Steve O

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It's unseasonably warm in the Midwest - I'll take it!

Merry Christmas to all and wishing everyone a Blessed, healthy and joy filled 2022.


John Cucinotta

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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all.  As I posted on Rush Glick's site, I am always grateful for the many hours of pleasure I derived from both of the Chan Message Boards, and the friends that I made along the way.  May 2022 be a healthier year for everyone.

PS:  Christmas Day was cool and rainy in Syracuse, with almost no snow on the ground.  We are due for a mild winter !!


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We finally received a decent amount of snow here and followed by -3 degrees this morning. But it is mild here as well so far.


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happy new year to all
