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News:Do the Chan.

CC Character Actors in other films

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Was watching The Amazing Mr.  Williams  and saw many people from the CC series  ( Don Beddoe, Donald McBride, John Hale etc...) and Has anybody seen my Gal with  Lynn Bari.  Both are great films  and show the quality acting these supporting characters did. Anyone else notice some Actors in recent viewing of films or television shows? What is your opinion of these skills of those who portrayed people in our Humble Detective films?  ::)

Last Edit: May 23, 2019, 07:51:40 pm by OldMovieFan

John Cucinotta

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If you look closely, there are actors from Chan films that appear in many movies from the 1930's through the 1950's, and some also made the transition to television in the 1950's.  For example, this past weekend we recorded and watched "A Bell for Adano".  In the supporting cast of this movie, there is Fortunio Bonanova who appeared in "The Red Dragon", Minerva Urecel who appeared  in "The Trap", and Frank Jaquet who appeared in "Meeting at Midnight" or "Black Magic". 


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i never knew mark lawrence was in a james bond movie and also a movie called FOUL PLAY with chevy chase and goldie hawn

Ed Kasprowicz

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Mark Lawrence was in a at least two of the Bond films...  Diamonds are Forever, The Man with the Golden Gun.  ...Ed K.

Chris Ellis

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Coincidentally, I just watched last night an early 1990s video on You-Tube about the making of Diamonds are Forever and Marc Lawrence, looking a  little older, was one of the people they briefly interviewed reminiscing about the making of that film.


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Just watched a epsiode of It takes a Thief which had Keye Luke in it playing a businessman on the airplane with you guessed it.....murder! Ha the makings of a Chan film. A much older Luke but still see the number one in him.

John Cucinotta

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Keye Luke and Benson Fong, both of whom played Chan sons in the movies, also both appeared in Perry Mason TV episodes.