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News:Do the Chan.

Oland siting Sunday on TCM

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Ed Kasprowicz

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Warner Oland as Dr. Fu Manchu appears in Daughter of the Dragon. This is the final of the three Fu Manchu movies, and will be aired this Sunday, 3/4/18, at 8pm EST.  It looks like they're running a pretty good line-up for March, including some Lon Chaney silents, and some of the lesser seem sci-fi's of the 1950's.   ...Ed K.

John Cucinotta

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I remember watching this movie years ago.  About 15 years ago I bought a set of DVD's from one of our "gray market" vendors who used to post on this site, and it included the three Fu Manchu movies that starred Warner Oland.  Allowing for the fact that they are very early "talking" movies, I thought that they were well-produced, and were definitely worth watching.  Since there is a storyline that continues through all three films, it is probably best to view them in chronological order, if possible.  I have seen all three of these films available on eBay.  I highly recommend them.