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News:Do the Chan.

Last surviving Chan actress Elena Verdugo passes

(Read 12535 times)

Steve O

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Just in case someone hadn't heard this sad news from last week - Elena Verdugo, who appeared in Sky Dragon, has passed at age 92.  She is believed to have been the last surviving adult actor/actress who appeared in the original Chan series. 

At this point I'm not sure there are any child actors left either at least none that had speaking parts.

Anyone know of any others who may be alive that I've overlooked?

John Cucinotta

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I think you are correct.  Last year when Noel Neill died (also from "Sky Dragon") I thought someone mentioned that Elena Verdugo was the last surviving Chan actor who had an adult role with dialogue.  I cannot think of any other possibilities, although there are often non-speaking uncredited "extras" in movies, such as the girls hanging around the swimming pool in "Golden Eye" and other such roles.

Mr. Manderley

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I thought Gloria Warren from Dangerous Money is still with us.

John Cucinotta

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Nice information, and I agree that she is living, according to information I can find on the Internet.  Most of our discussion has been about actors with prominent roles in Chan films.  Your post made me start thinking about adult actors in Chan films with minor roles, and if any are still living.  I tried looking up information about Danny Desmond, who has small roles as a bellboy in "The Chinese Cat" and in "The Jade Mask".  There is very little information about him in the usual Internet movie sources, but it seems that he may also still be living.

Mike Royer

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Gawrsh...better yet, maybe we should ask the question "Are we the last CHARLIE CHAN movie fans?" Are we converting any of the last generation's "I don't watch B&W movies."? *sigh*

Ed Kasprowicz

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I can get get my grandsons to watch the old black and white horror movies, especially if Svengoolie is hosting them, but have not had much luck with the mysteries. It doesn't help that my son spews all of the PC nonsense that we've had to battle all these years whenever an old movie is on. At least i can get them to sit through the James Bond movies with me, LOL.   ...Ed K.