Charlie Chan Message Board

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General Discussion / Re: Anyone Left On This Board?
« Last post by rodb on October 30, 2024, 02:33:54 pm »
always nice to see someone pop up on this board. 

General Discussion / Re: Anyone Left On This Board?
« Last post by Brian L. on October 29, 2024, 11:07:17 am »
I go back to the first days of this site. It was a very interesting message board for a number of years. I think having all the existing Charlie Chan's on DVD may have also played a part in the disappearance of a lot of members too.  As for the 4 lost Chan's it's looking more and more likely they will never be found.
I was very glad the Monogram Chan's owned by Warner Brothers were cleaned up and released.  I was pessimistic they might never come out.
The reason I popped up on here today is because I'm in the process of extracting wanted files from my old computers.
General Discussion / Re: Anyone Left On This Board?
« Last post by Steve O on September 03, 2024, 04:01:48 pm »
I am still around - real life got in the way of active participation but I am hoping to get back into things.  As John said, sadly many of passed away though and most of the activity has moved to Rush's board. 
General Discussion / Re: Anyone Left On This Board?
« Last post by John Cucinotta on March 31, 2024, 09:14:11 pm »
I check this site about once a month, and it has been very quiet for a long time.  Many of the former "regular participants" have either lost interest, or passed away.  There is some activity on the Charlie Chan Family Message Board site, maintained by Rush Glick.
General Discussion / Anyone Left On This Board?
« Last post by ChanPhan on March 07, 2024, 10:28:05 pm »
Just stopped by to check on this board and see that it looks like nobody has posted anything in a very long time. 

Anyone following the board?
General Discussion / Re: Ed Kasprowicz
« Last post by rodb on January 23, 2023, 02:49:52 pm »
sorry to hear this news.
General Discussion / Re: Ed Kasprowicz
« Last post by Chris Ellis on January 10, 2023, 01:52:14 pm »
Hi John:

I just came here to say I had just discovered the sad news that Judge Ed had passed away last August. He and I communicated quite a lot in the old days and usually at Christmastime time for sure, so when I could not connect with him this year I belatedly leaned of his passing. Ed probably knew more trivia about old mystery movies than anyone on the planet and was a very intelligent and extremely witty man. I once devised what I thought was the ultimate trivia question and he answered it in about two minutes on the old site. I am extremely saddened to hear of his passing...

Chris Ellis.
General Discussion / Ed Kasprowicz
« Last post by John Cucinotta on January 06, 2023, 11:42:13 am »
Those of you who have posted and read messages on this Board for a while may remember Ed Kasprowicz, who was an early active participant here.  Ed loved to discuss Chan movies, and any other topic related to Chan or mystery movies. Over the Christmas holiday I learned that Ed had unexpectedly passed away last summer after a brief illness.  I thought I would share this sad news with the other members of this Board. 

Rest in peace, Ed.  I will miss our friendship and discussions.
General Discussion / Re: OT: Nightmare Alley 2021
« Last post by John Cucinotta on February 23, 2022, 02:10:19 pm »
I haven't seen it, but you've sparked my interest.  I will look for it.
General Discussion / OT: Nightmare Alley 2021
« Last post by OldMovieFan on February 18, 2022, 03:32:36 pm »
Hello fellow Chan fans and mystery buffs,

Just watched this remake of the original 1947 film (which has George Chandler from Chinese Cat) and I really enjoyed the remake. In todays world it's had to find a decent mystery or film noir and for me ot hit home.

Really gives me some hope that something could be done with a Chan film in the future if you had a group with a director like this film interested.

Did read that a B & W version of this was released to select areas, but haven't found any source.

Anyone watched this film and any thoughts?

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